Gallery Gaze
Sunday, April 17, 2011
DIA- Robert Irwin
Upon my visit to The DIA, the work of Robert Irwin caught my eye. This 20th century American artist set up a square protrusion from the wall with 2 floor lights casting overlapping shadows on the wall. This untitled setup reminded me of everything wrong with his lighting technique. His mistakes made for a useless display of random shadows. The pointless lighting could be nothing more than art, serving no real purpose. It was as tasteless as the unfolded clothes on my floor. This is why it catches my attention, out of idiocy.
Does the DIA have no standards? Do people take it for granted? Hoe can people be so slow to overlook their own shadow and look at a remediated natural occurrence? AND TO PAY FOR IT!? People need to have a mind of their own. I cannot speak for all people because I do not share the same cognitions. In attempt to theorize the generalities I am always contradicted by an underlying variable. As you may assume, this art disappoints me. It disappoints me in humanity enough to wear I decided I was able to spend my time scripting 6 seemingly feckless paragraphs about.
The building, large, spacious, especially the room in which it is placed. The crowd, dull, quiet, strolling in and out of rooms. Whispering. Couples mingle while others gawk in their own worlds. Entranced. They have no sense of reality. The art is their reality. They act as if that is what makes them. That is the air they breathe. The sun. It creates life. Life is nothing without art. They could stand there forever. I just want to go to sleep. These people make me sick. The kids are funny though. One tried to punch one of the animal sculptures. This is how this art should be treated. Put it in a McDonald's playhouse. Let them run all over it. Then it would have more purpose. Get these bums out of here. They only wear those clothes to blend with the art crowd. That is their life. They have none.
Emotion... zzzzzzzzz. I create videos that HELP PEOPLE. They serve a purpose. Yes, aesthetics are important. but EVERYTHING has aesthetics! If I get a job working for the pharaoh of Egypt through his time machine then maybe I will have to retouch myself with the egyptian exhibit at the DIA. Until then, I will never go back unless Megan Fox personally invites me and we get to have sex afterwards. You had to ask, and I cannot lie. You really shouldn't ask. Fuck this blog. I'm in it for the grade.
Looking back up at the shadows on the wall, I see no change. If it were the sun casting a shadow then it would at least move! This arrangement (art) is lacking in any depth. You are forced to drift into imagination to create any sense of interest. The greatest part of this piece being in this location was to finally get away from the mess of 2-dimensional crust on the walls. Why is this called the DIA? I would like to see a building with solely Detroit, or even Michigan, Artwork. It should be called Detroit's International Arrangement of Art.
Dwelling on this piece may have ruined my day. It was effective in creating the feeling of disgust. The artist statement was not present but I would not be surprised if it said something to that effect. Give me that space by the wall. Let me bullshit my way into the DIA. I guarantee that no one will notice. The sculpture standing 5'x5' protruding 3' from the wall could not have cost more than $200. The 2 lights on the ground sitting about 4 feet away probably cost $40-100. I paid $5 to get in and was not worth seeing this. I would rather watch the sun cast a shadow through a tree on this beautiful April day.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Danielle Peleg Gallery- Gerstein
In my visit to The Danielle Peleg Gallery I viewed a sculpture by Gerstein. It was a 1'x1'x.5" metal bicycle held up by a flat metal frame portrayed by the window named "metal". The abstraction of the bicyclist overwhelms the fact that it is a bicyclist. Even though it accents the speed at which a bike moves, the same effect could be just as or more successful in other topics. The random coloration surprisingly does not confuse the image. It creates a natural feeling as if the rider is near the ocean while the sun is setting. The multiple elements within this creation give it an overwhelming appeal.
Stumbling upon this image while in the gallery contrasted from seeing it in the window. It is more secluded seeing it through the window. This American artist probably considered the convenience of seeing her art while walking around the mall. It could assist in drawing in a crowd. The gallery wasn't large enough to display all of the work. The back room was stuffed with content. Utilizing every corner of the gallery may have been the only way to show the multitude of art.
This was my favorite gallery that I have been to during this project. Every art was worthy of its presentation. The main reason I chose this one was because of its transparency. Filters and distortion are effects I play with in photo shop and video editing software. The fact that this is a physical representation of digital effects gives it a whole new perspective and elegance. This object would not be as successful as a digital 3D interpretation.
A fast bicycle gives the feeling of childhood. I would ride my bike all the time. It was my favorite past time. Riding in the tall grass through natures paths. Biking should be done in nature to gain the full experience of a ride. The escape of a bike ride is translated into this sculpture. It has little to do with reality and much to do with imagination.
Seeing paintings next to sculptures make the sculptures stand out more. They have the upper hand by implying a 3rd dimension. Painting seems like an extinct art. Even though people do it it is irrelevant and overlooked. If you cannot feel it, taste it, or smell it, or hear it, there isn't much left. You can at least feel a sculpture. Digital interpretations do prefer paintings though. Reproducing sculptures digitally in 3D isn't prevalent. People usually settle with pictures. This does not adequately represent the sculpture.
Seeing this piece up close was an experience I will remember. Its ability to be recognized through the interpretive distortion is an amazing quality. What if this was a digital photograph of a person but pasted onto a metal sculpture? Would the effects be as successful? It is definitely an idea to play with. Digital is the way of the future. Cartoon colors have been around forever. To impress upon the times, implementing a digital aspect could make or break a concept.
Paramount Bank Community Gallery- Celeste M. Roe
In my trip to Paramount Bank Community Gallery I come upon an interesting unnamed print. There was no information about this picture present in the gallery. There was no one to give me any information either. The picture appeared to be in a 30"x20" frame on the wall. I found a business card with this picture on it with the name Celeste M. Roe. She is a local American artist/printmaker The nuisance of searching for all of this information was not appealing. It almost ruined my experience.
This gallery was very plain, lacking in originality. There were only 2 prints that stood out, one being the one in the picture. This print reminded me of an effect used in after effects. The movement of a single line, usually used to spell a name. I imagined the lines moving as if they were alive when staring deep into the picture. Where would they go? What would their next move be? Would they grow longer or wider? This print may have been more effective as a video.
The immense detail changes the print completely depending on how close you are standing. From far away it is an awkward weed but from up close, each strand has its own quality. Close-up images composed of greater detail than the eye can normally see are the closest thing to reality than we can conceive. Particles, cells, and atoms are all real. We cannot see them with our eyes without the help of tools. There is no original atom, only the interpretation captured through mediums. We are still quick to accept it as reality since we do not know any other.
Contrasting a dark orange (nearly brown) background with a highlighted orange foreground object gives a bright feeling with a sense of life. The brown is representative of dirt or soil that help the image to grow. It comes out of the frame at us as we lose track of the multiple layers. Our eyes fix upon the orange strands, following them back and forth. The tangles obsess us to untwist them, solving the knot, saving the plant. Men are problem solvers by nature. We take on a challenge whether it exists or not.
Finding the artists business card implies that she is advertising for herself. Her paintings serve as a public advertisement. I'm not sure who would need a print made of such sorts but it is obvious that she possesses great skill. Aesthetically, she creates an environment inside a picture frame. Imagination takes the best of you through the curiously colorful silhouette. Is it natural or synthetic? I'd like to think it was natural but its hard to tell these days.
This artist provokes us to decide what we are looking at. There is no satisfaction of knowledge or insight. In the end, we will believe what we want. The gratification of completing the puzzle ourselves will be remembered. Unlike other images, this one may seep into your brain one strand at a time. Is it soft or hard? weak or strong? That is for us to decide. The final imagined characteristics will complete the masterpiece.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Susanne Hilberry Gallery- John Rowland
Upon my visit to The Susanne Hilberry Gallery in Royal Oak, the multitude of miniature sculptures created by John Rowland fascinated me. The Gallery was embodied by this middle aged American artist's work. Its unavoidably captivating presentation created an atmosphere of little distraction. It was seemingly impossible to avert. By the strenuous process of analytical elimination, my favorite piece was an untitled array of glass. This arrangement was approximately 8"x8"x2", forcing you to stand near. This allows you to beguile at the unique texture of each layer of glass. This piece was successful in entrancing my imagination through its relation to how it plays as a filter.
This gallery was a very plain, open, deserted space. The embodied walls of art proffered that nothing else was necessary. Contrary to this illusion, I believe this work would not be as interesting in the real world. It would be overlooked because of its small size. You would only see it if you sought it out. The large sculptures that were located behind the building were successful in grabbing the gaze of pedestrians, however lacking in detail and concept. There were two dogs playing in the gallery. Their toys were scattered across the floor. The presence of animals gave the room a more natural feeling, complimenting the art. Art generally is the product of natural creativity, not the struggle for attention through labor. It gives a more elegant presence rather than a mechanical exhaust
Going in to the gallery, I had little knowledge of the artist. From his art, I learned a lot about his character. He performs the repetitive task of welding solid objects and applying irrelevant textures to form a new way to think about the objects. He does not dazzle us with size in most of his work. A key trait he maintains through his work is the beauty of dysfunctional material mess. It is purely aesthetic. The 3rd dimension makes you want to feel it as well. This curiosity is his most effective characteristic, dragging onlookers inwards in need for a physical connection.
His work is unique and not easily reproducible. Today, everything is online. His sculptures could be generated precisely in 3D software. Even these digital 3D sculptures would be fascinating. His sculptures carry a value that can only be gained through their presence. You cannot simply remember the art from a picture image of it. It looks different from every angle or perspective you view it from.
I kept thinking about how things would appear if looking through the transparency of this glass sculpture. It inspired me to want to create it digitally. I haven't done so yet but may play with this concept in the future. I felt a connection with this artists style of wackiness in art. To be wacky is to be strange. Relating to something wacky takes the strangeness from it as well as yourself. To be peculiar is a generally negative attribute but to be amusing is the opposite.
Why do physical sculptures that do not make any logical sense appeal to us? Are they persuading us to seek escape from reality? What can we learn from the creation of unusable materials? Royalty has been known to collect art because they can afford it. It represents power and wealth. Today, anyone can own art. However, sculptures are still an expensive commodity because of the materials it is composed of, skills, effort, and concept in its creation, and irreproducibility. In a world of remediation, this is a rare commodity.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Oakland University Art Gallery- New Eden: The Life and Work of Isabelle Raymond
Upon my visit to Cynthia Greig's Subverting the (Un)conventional exhibition at the Oakland University Art Gallery, the work of Isabelle Raymond struck my attention. This 19th century American artist had an entire section dedicated a variety of her work. The most unforgettable was an Untitled room, approximately 7ftx8ftx9ft, filled with old furniture and photographs. In this dark room, the pictures were stored in an old wooden shelf that most people would be afraid to open by fear of breaking it. I explored through these pictures by using a device which held the pictures for you. Looking through this device created a blending illusion by separating each of your eyes. The image that you see throught this device completely changed what the photograph was.
The process of stumbling upon this artwork exited me more than the work itself. I felt as if I was on a scavenger hunt, exploring the depths of the room. It created a feeling of being in the artists shoes. The atmosphere was unlike an art gallery. It allowed me to escape reality and envelop myself into the artwork. As for the pictures, they reminded my of a common digital editing technique.
The artists life story was also an amazing detail to her work. She had posed as a man to avoid scrutiny. Being a woman during her lifetime restrained her from becoming a successful artist. The fact that many of her pictures had been themed as cloaking an image was extremely relevant to her life's story. I found this correlation pleasing. Her art that is more than aesthetics. It carries the message of her struggle. It can be felt through the understanding of her process.
While browsing through her assortment of photographic hallucinations, I simultaneously brainstormed on how I could implement the idea of 2 images becoming 1 new one. It would not be the same without the device but it could still become an interesting digital illusion. I could key frame the 2 images to slowly jiggle, thus reproducing new images with each displacement rather than relying on the eyes focus. This form of picture also relates to a holographic picture. The success of her work may or may not have attributed to the advancements of artistic imagery. Today, her work is easily reproducible, however, in her time she had the upper hand on the art world.
Since her photographs were untitled, it is hard to place a story with them. You seem to have to come up with one on your own. It is impossible to know if the photos were staged or real life. I believe that they were staged according to posture they had assumed. Either people in that generation didn't believe in being comfortable or they were trying to look good for the camera. Neither assumption is out of the question, however, I would like to believe the latter. Since she had set up the models in that manner, I would also assume that she had her intentions solidified prior to the photo shoot. Assuming this, her construction of the illusion of a man and a woman overlapping each other was a disturbing idea. This reflects a deep confliction in her life.
I will never meet Isabelle Raymond but I would like to think that she would be a better person today than she was in her time. She possessed an artistic cognition that granted her success. To be successful means that you are doing something right. Aside from her disregard for societies expectations and cultural position, she made her own way of living. It may not have been the easiest way, but she strove for unity. Lacking the ability of self expression may have been more devastating than the consequences of being caught. The work of Isabelle Raymond truly interprets the facets of her legend.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Project Rules
All entries must be related to art events in the region. Below is a list of institutions and pertaining information, as well as the maximum blog entries for each one:
- Detroit Institute of Art (2): Wed/Thrus 10am-4pm; Fri 10am-10pm; Sat/Sun 10am-5pm ($8). A maximum of two entries on artworks (different pieces/sections/exhibitions) from the Modern and Contemporary wings as well as special exhibitions allowed.
- Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit: Thurs/Fri 11am-8pm; Wed/Sat/Sun 11am-5pm. One entry on artworks from exhibition that opens on Feb 04.
- Oakland University Art Gallery (2): Tues-Sun 12pm-5pm. Two entries, one from each exhibition; first 01/07-02/20 second 03/05-04/10.
- Lemberg Gallery (2): Wed-Sat 11am-5pm. Two entries on artworks from two different exhibitions, dates TBA.
- Susanne Hilberry Gallery (2): Tues-Sat 10am-6pm. Two entries on artworks from two different exhibitions, dates TBA.
- The Butcher's Daughter Gallery (2): Thurs-Sat 11am-6pm. Two entries on artworks from two different exhibitions, dates TBA.
Content-wise, your blog must be art focused, more specifically on Fine Art commentary. Each entry must address one specific art work in the context of the exhibition at large that it belongs. You will visit an exhibition, look at all works, choose one piece and write your blog entry.
Each entry must be at least 6 paragraphs long, each paragraph with at least 6 sentences.
Each blog must include at least 1 image you will make/take/capture. Note that in some museums photography is not allowed in some or all areas; if this is the case you will be responsible to find images from the art/artist you have chosen, at least 2 - even if they are not of the actual work.
You must include the following into the paragraph:
- (2) title & curator of exhibition;
- name of institution;
- (6) date, (title IN ITALIC), dimensions, duration, medium & media of art work;
media examples (
- (2) name & nationality of artist;
Keep in mind that this is not an art appreciation blog, so refrain from framing your entries as something you like or do not like. There are three main areas you must focus on your writing:
- sight: an actual description of what you see;
- thought: what the art work brings to your mind, associations and relationships to other art works, theories, pieces of literature, pop culture, etc (here is where you have to access your mind's library);
- emotion: what the art work makes you feel, a response that is not immediately verbally articulated, but that causes you to behold the art piece.
Due: 04/13 (25 points)
- Detroit Institute of Art (2): Wed/Thrus 10am-4pm; Fri 10am-10pm; Sat/Sun 10am-5pm ($8). A maximum of two entries on artworks (different pieces/sections/exhibitions) from the Modern and Contemporary wings as well as special exhibitions allowed.
- Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit: Thurs/Fri 11am-8pm; Wed/Sat/Sun 11am-5pm. One entry on artworks from exhibition that opens on Feb 04.
- Oakland University Art Gallery (2): Tues-Sun 12pm-5pm. Two entries, one from each exhibition; first 01/07-02/20 second 03/05-04/10.
- Lemberg Gallery (2): Wed-Sat 11am-5pm. Two entries on artworks from two different exhibitions, dates TBA.
- Susanne Hilberry Gallery (2): Tues-Sat 10am-6pm. Two entries on artworks from two different exhibitions, dates TBA.
- The Butcher's Daughter Gallery (2): Thurs-Sat 11am-6pm. Two entries on artworks from two different exhibitions, dates TBA.
Content-wise, your blog must be art focused, more specifically on Fine Art commentary. Each entry must address one specific art work in the context of the exhibition at large that it belongs. You will visit an exhibition, look at all works, choose one piece and write your blog entry.
Each entry must be at least 6 paragraphs long, each paragraph with at least 6 sentences.
Each blog must include at least 1 image you will make/take/capture. Note that in some museums photography is not allowed in some or all areas; if this is the case you will be responsible to find images from the art/artist you have chosen, at least 2 - even if they are not of the actual work.
You must include the following into the paragraph:
- (2) title & curator of exhibition;
- name of institution;
- (6) date, (title IN ITALIC), dimensions, duration, medium & media of art work;
media examples (
- (2) name & nationality of artist;
Keep in mind that this is not an art appreciation blog, so refrain from framing your entries as something you like or do not like. There are three main areas you must focus on your writing:
- sight: an actual description of what you see;
- thought: what the art work brings to your mind, associations and relationships to other art works, theories, pieces of literature, pop culture, etc (here is where you have to access your mind's library);
- emotion: what the art work makes you feel, a response that is not immediately verbally articulated, but that causes you to behold the art piece.
Due: 04/13 (25 points)
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