Sunday, April 17, 2011

DIA- Robert Irwin

Upon my visit to The DIA, the work of Robert Irwin caught my eye. This 20th century American artist set up a square protrusion from the wall with 2 floor lights casting overlapping shadows on the wall. This untitled setup reminded me of everything wrong with his lighting technique. His mistakes made for a useless display of random shadows. The pointless lighting could be nothing more than art, serving no real purpose. It was as tasteless as the unfolded clothes on my floor. This is why it catches my attention, out of idiocy.

Does the DIA have no standards? Do people take it for granted? Hoe can people be so slow to overlook their own shadow and look at a remediated natural occurrence? AND TO PAY FOR IT!? People need to have a mind of their own. I cannot speak for all people because I do not share the same cognitions. In attempt to theorize the generalities I am always contradicted by an underlying variable. As you may assume, this art disappoints me. It disappoints me in humanity enough to wear I decided I was able to spend my time scripting 6 seemingly feckless paragraphs about.

The building, large, spacious, especially the room in which it is placed. The crowd, dull, quiet, strolling in and out of rooms. Whispering. Couples mingle while others gawk in their own worlds. Entranced. They have no sense of reality. The art is their reality. They act as if that is what makes them. That is the air they breathe. The sun. It creates life. Life is nothing without art. They could stand there forever. I just want to go to sleep. These people make me sick. The kids are funny though. One tried to punch one of the animal sculptures. This is how this art should be treated. Put it in a McDonald's playhouse. Let them run all over it. Then it would have more purpose. Get these bums out of here. They only wear those clothes to blend with the art crowd. That is their life. They have none.

Emotion... zzzzzzzzz. I create videos that HELP PEOPLE. They serve a purpose. Yes, aesthetics are important. but EVERYTHING has aesthetics! If I get a job working for the pharaoh of Egypt through his time machine then maybe I will have to retouch myself with the egyptian exhibit at the DIA. Until then, I will never go back unless Megan Fox personally invites me and we get to have sex afterwards. You had to ask, and I cannot lie. You really shouldn't ask. Fuck this blog. I'm in it for the grade.

Looking back up at the shadows on the wall, I see no change. If it were the sun casting a shadow then it would at least move! This arrangement (art) is lacking in any depth. You are forced to drift into imagination to create any sense of interest. The greatest part of this piece being in this location was to finally get away from the mess of 2-dimensional crust on the walls. Why is this called the DIA? I would like to see a building with solely Detroit, or even Michigan, Artwork. It should be called Detroit's International Arrangement of Art.

Dwelling on this piece may have ruined my day. It was effective in creating the feeling of disgust. The artist statement was not present but I would not be surprised if it said something to that effect. Give me that space by the wall. Let me bullshit my way into the DIA. I guarantee that no one will notice. The sculpture standing 5'x5' protruding 3' from the wall could not have cost more than $200. The 2 lights on the ground sitting about 4 feet away probably cost $40-100. I paid $5 to get in and was not worth seeing this. I would rather watch the sun cast a shadow through a tree on this beautiful April day.

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